AWHONN On-Demand Webinars

Access essential training on any computer, anywhere, with AWHONN’s on-demand webinars presented by Lisa
Miller, CNM, JD, a registered nurse and certified nurse-midwife with over 40 years of diverse clinical experience. Learn at your own pace and earn Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits or nursing contact hours, all on your schedule. Discounts are available for AWHONN members

Oxytocin: Use vs. Abuse

This comprehensive session will provide a thorough understanding of the physiologic effects of uterine activity on fetal and uterine acid-base balance during labor. Learn to identify and evaluate key components of uterine activity, avoid the “tachysystole trap,” and understand the physiology that supports fetal adaptation to labor. Designed to improve outcomes and reduce liability risks, this webinar will assist nurses, midwives and physicians in creating a shared mental model for the assessment and management of uterine activity during labor.

Physiologic Logic: Uterine Activity During Labor

This comprehensive session will provide a thorough understanding of the physiologic effects of uterine activity on fetal and uterine acid-base balance during labor. Learn to identify and evaluate key components of uterine activity, avoid the “tachysystole trap,” and understand the physiology that supports fetal adaptation to labor. Designed to improve outcomes and reduce liability risks, this webinar will assist nurses, midwives and physicians in creating a shared mental model for the assessment and management of uterine activity during labor.

The Oxygen Pathway & Standardized EFM Interpretation

Learn about fetal oxygenation and how to interpret FHR tracings, with evidence and consensus-based interpretation.

Learning from Others: Case Studies in EFM

Case studies and FHR tracings form the basis of this webinar aimed at skills habituation, with a focus on standardized interpretation and management, unusual tracings, and FHR algorithm applications.

What Do I Do with Category 2?

Learn to create a shared mental model in EFM and make Category 2 easier, plus corrective measures, current management algorithms, and risk management strategies.

Mistakes Were Made, But Not by Me! Cognitive Bias in Nursing, Midwifery, and Medicine

For anyone who wants to be a change agent, this webinar delves into all types of bias affecting our decision-making and how to more effectively turn attention to new ideas and evidence.